Karen Rands brings her unique insights about Artificial Intelligence and how it has and will impact our lives.  With a look back to the predictions in 2018, found in the Fortune Magazine article “25 Ways Artificial Intelligence is Changing Business”, she addresses the growing media hoopla over AI and Machine Learning.   

Listen to uncover the myriad ways artificial intelligence goes beyond voice prompts on our phones. From ID badges and facial recognition to smart weapons and robotics, AI is reshaping industries and redefining the boundaries of technological possibilities. Learn how these advancements are transforming our reality. What to be concerned about and what we can do to make sure that humans are the continued intelligence that drives artificial intelligence and not the other way around. 

With rise in AI in analytics and predictions, this show is positioned as a segway to Karen’s interview with Andrew Einhorn and how he is taking the volatility out of predicting stock market movement with Artificial Intelligence analysis of other trigger factors based on historical effects.  That Compassionate Capitalist Show is: Levelfields AI: Andrew Einhorn’s Answer to Event-Driven Investing.

To get to the documents Karen refers to in the intro teaser and the Fortune article of the predictions from 2018: 
Fortune Magazine November 2018 25 Ways Artificial Intelligence is Changing Business

CBInsights Sam Altman Investment Report  

CBInsights Chat GPT AI Investment Ecosystem: 

CBInsights Ultimate Guide to AI Disruption

To take advantage of Karen’s early release offer for the intro level of Compassionate Capitalist Wealth Maximizing system, go to http://dothedeal.org and register. 

Karen Rands is the leader of the Compassionate Capitalist Movement™ and author of the best selling investment primer: Inside Secrets to Angel Investing: Step-by-Step Strategies to Leverage Private Equity Investment for Passive Wealth Creation She is an authority on creating wealth through investing and building successful businesses that can scale and exit rich.  Karen is an enthusiastic speaker on these topics for corporations, economic development groups, angel investor networks, and professional  business networks.   About Karen https://www.karenrands.co/about-karen-rands/

Visit http://Kugarand.com and learn more about the Compassionate Capitalist Wealth Maximizer System™.  Read about the Due Diligence Services, Investor Relations, Capital Strategies, Capital Access, and Capital Readiness Coaching serviced offered by her firm, Kugarand Capital Holdings. 

The Compassionate Capitalist Show is a Podcast on YouTube.  Please visit and subscribe and share.  It is great to watch Karen and her guests live, in action.  The whole library of podcasts and interviews since 2020 can be found there by category or chronological. https://bit.ly/CCSyoutubepod 

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