Time is precious. No matter how much money you make, you can’t buy more time. Once it passes, it is no longer a resource to be tapped to enjoy leisure, get work done, or spend with loved ones. Everything revolves around the concept of time. Why is a workweek 40 hours and normal work days are Mon-Fri and so many ‘working for the weekend’? Side-hustle aside, why do we have laud entrepreneurs’ “hustle culture” mentality in which working 70 – 80 hours to get the job done on your business is considered a strength not a weakness?
Listen to Karen Rands and Joe Sanok, author of the breakthrough book, “Thursday is the New Friday: How to work fewer hours, make more money, and spend time doing what you want.” We discuss the WHY & the HOW TO laid out in the book, and how Joe coaches entrepreneurs to master their internal inclinations and work style to create a four-day work week that boosts innovation, results, and personal well being. Learn the tactics the most successful entrepreneurs have incorporated to unlock creativity & productivity by working smarter (not harder) and limiting the time spent on things that don’t matter or can be done by someone else.
Joe is also the host of the popular The Practice of the Practice Podcast, which is recognized as one of the Top 50 Podcasts worldwide with over 100,000 downloads each month. As a sought after advisor, Joe increases executives’ and business owners’ productivity to build balance and improve their mental and physical well being.
More info at http://joesanok.com
Karen Rands, leader of the Compassionate Capitalist Movement and author of the Best Seller, Inside Secrets to Angel Investing, is an authority on creating wealth through investing and building successful businesses that can scale and exit rich. Visit http://KarenRands.co